10: Displaying the Gallery WD in a module position

Joomla Gallery

Step by step guide

Step 10: Displaying the Gallery WD in a module position.

10.1 On the top menu select Extensions > Module Manager .
10.2 Activate the following three modules or the option applicable for your case: Gallery WD, Gallery WD Slideshow, Gallery WD Tags Cloud.
10.3 On the left side select the Module Assignment and Position.
10.4 Gallery WD. You can add album and gallery images into a custom location. After click the users will be redirected into compact album view, if it is an album. If it is a gallery included in the album it will open up in Thumbnails view. The images will be displayed in a lightbox.
10.4.1 Title. Provide a title for the module.
10.4.2 Type. Choose whether to display an album or gallery.
10.4.3 Select Gallery/Select Album. Select the gallery/album to be displayed with the module.
10.4.4 Enable shuffle. Choose whether to display random consequence of the images or the last N number of images from that gallery/album.
10.4.5 Dimensions. Specify the width and height of the module..
10.4.6 Count. Provide the number of images to be displayed within the module.
10.4.7 Theme. Choose the theme, which will be applied to the gallery/album.

10.5 Gallery WD Slideshow. This module will enable slideshow
10.5.1 Title. Provide a title for the slideshow.
10.5.2 Select Gallery. Specify the gallery you want to use for the slideshow.
10.5.3 Dimensions. Specify the width and height for the slideshow.
10.5.4 Slideshow effect. Select the effect to apply to the slideshow.
10.5.5 Time interval. Define the time interval between the images in seconds.
10.5.6 Enable shuffle. Choose whether to have shuffle for the slideshow images or not.
10.5.7 Theme. Choose the theme to be applied to the image slideshow.

10.6 Gallery WD Tags Cloud. This dynamic module allows having rotating tags or images. After clicking on the tag a separate page will be opened displaying images corresponding to the tag. In case of images, the images will display with a pop-up.
10.6.1 Title. Provide a title for the dynamic tag cloud.
10.6.2 Choosing Text type:
Number. Provide the number of tags you want to display. If you leave it to 0 all tags will be displayed.
Dimensions. Specify the width and height for the dynamic tag cloud.
Transparent background. Choose whether to have a transparent background or not.
Background color. Choose the background color for the tag cloud.
Text color. Choose the tag text color.
Theme. Choose the theme, which will be applied to the gallery/album corresponding to the tag.
10.6.3 Choosing Image type:
Show tag names. Choose whether to display tag names or not.
Number. Provide the number of images you want to display. If you leave it to 0 all images will be displayed.
Dimensions. Specify the width and height for the dynamic image cloud.
Transparent Background. Select whether you want to have a transparent background or no.
Background color. Choose the background color for the image cloud.
Text color. Choose the tag text color.
Theme. Choose the theme, which will be applied to the gallery/album corresponding to the image/tag.

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