Ecommerce WD Tools

Ecommerce WD Tools

Payment systems

Ecommerce WD Stripe Payment Gateway enables payments using Stripe system. The transaction process takes place within the website.


This tool allows the users to use Authorize.Net Advanced Integration Method (AIM) to make the online payments.


This tool allows the users to use Authorize.Net Advanced Integration Method (SIM) to make the online payments.



This module will allow adding the list of the most demanded products among the online customers. The list can be created based on specific category or multiple categories.


This module will allow creating a list of latest products. The list might include products for a specific category or simply include the latest products from all categories.


The Ecommerce WD allows user rating for the products. This module displays the products based on the highest ratings (for single/multiple categories).


This module will allow adding the micro-model for the shopping cart. Similar to the original cart it will display details of the products added to the cart by the user with the possibility of getting redirected to the shopping cart page.


This module allows displaying filters (including sorting) in a custom module location. The module can be used not only on in Ecommerce WD pages, but also on any other page.



Ecommerce Export/Import is a useful tool for importing or exporting specific information to/from the Ecommerce database.
