2.13: Adding Socials (a set of Linkedin, Twitter, Google, and Facebook widgets)

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Step by step guide

2.13 Adding a set ofLinkedin, Twitter, Google, and Facebook widgets

2.13.1 Title. Specify a title for the plugin to be able to identify the plugin in back-end.
2.13.2 Publish. Choose whether to publish the plugin or not.
2.13.3 Type of URL. By default, the plugin refers to the current page, but it is possible to link it to a different page by choosing the URL option and filling out the Url field.
2.13.4 Count Box Position. Choose the position of the widget count boxes.
2.13.5 Horizontal Position. Choose whether to place the plugin on the left or on the right hand of the page.
2.13.6 App ID. Enter your Facebook Application ID.
2.13.7 Language Preference.
  • Custom. Select the plugin language.
  • Current. Adjusts to the language of the website.

2.13.8 All Posts. Adds the plugin to all the posts on the website.
2.13.9 Default image for Posts. When a user likes a post, the activity, along with the post description, appears on his/her Facebook wall. This option allows providing a default image that will accompany all the posts liked by the users.
2.13.10Posts. Choose the posts to which you want to add the plugin.The following META tags allow you to customize the appearance of the chosen post on the user’s wall.Note that certain META tags are filled out automatically, but you can edit them.
-           Title. The title of the post.
-           Type. The source website will be categorized by the chosen type.
-           URL. For providing a canonical address for the post.
-           Image. The image accompanying the published post.
-           Site Name. For specifying a name for your website.
-           Description. For providing a description for the post.
-        Admin ID. You can fill out the Admin ID of your Facebook page to connect the published post to the page.
2.13.11 Vertical Position. Choose whether to place the plugin at the top or at the bottom of the post.
2.13.12On all pages. Adds the plugin to all the pages on the website.
2.13.13 Default image for pages. Provide a default image for all the pages.
2.13.14Pages. Choose the pages to which you want to add the plugin. The following META tags allow you to customize the appearance of the chosen pages on the user’s wall.
2.13.15 Vertical Position. Choose whether to place the plugin at the top or at the bottom.
2.13.16 Style. Here you can customize certain style options. Simply change the values of the parameters that are listed in the box.
2.13.17 Add to <html> Tag. Add the code (ONLY ONCE) to the <html> tag of your template’s index.php file (templates/your_template/index.php).
<html xmlns:og="http://ogp.me/ns#" xmlns:fb="http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml">

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