2.6: Adding a Request Dialog

Spider Facebook

Step by step guide

2.6 Adding a Request Dialog

2.6.1 Title. Specify a title for the plugin to be able to identify the plugin in back-end.
2.6.2 Publish. Choose whether to publish the plugin or not.
2.6.3 App id. Enter your Facebook Application ID.
2.6.4 Request Message. Here you can add a message that will accompany the request..
2.6.5 Request type. Choose whether to enable request for one or multiple users.
2.6.6 All Posts. Adds the plugin to all the posts on the website.
2.6.7 Posts. Choose the posts to which you want to add the plugin.
2.6.8 Vertical Position. Choose whether to place the plugin at the top or at the bottom of the post.
2.6.9 On all Pages. Adds the plugin to all the pages on the website.
2.6.10 Pages. Choose the pages to which you want to add the plugin.
2.6.11 Vertical Position. Choose whether to place the plugin at the top or at the bottom.
2.6.12 Style. Here you can customize certain style options. Simply change the values of the parameters that are listed in the box.
2.6.13 Add to <html> Tag. Add the code (ONLY ONCE) to the <html> tag of your template’s index.php file (templates/your_template/index.php).
<html xmlns:og="http://ogp.me/ns#" xmlns:fb="http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml">
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