
How to shorten long URLs

Do you need to shorten a long URL? Then try this list of 5 free online redirection services helping you to shorten long URLs and boost your website as well.

GPosted By Gregor

4 Ways to Better Drupal Content Management

Generating content in Drupal seems to be quite simple - all we have to do is to fill in a form, click Save, and that’s it. However, there are quite elaborate node forms that challenge reading. So, how to improve content management experience among the users? Here are some helpful tips for you.

MPosted By Marieta

Top Criteria to Consider for Your WordPress Theme

While launching your WordPress site, you may have across a myriad of theme options. Free and premium, simple and erratic, minimalistic and elaborate… Is it good? Yes and no. Yes, because you are most likely to find what you want, and no, as the variety of choice is overwhelming. To make your life easier, you should consider the following yardsticks before opting for a WordPress theme.

MPosted By Marieta

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