5.2: Style Parameters

Spider Video Player

Step by step guide

Step 5:  Creating Themes for the WordPress Player.

5.2 Style Parameters
5.2.1 Center button transparency. Define the transparency level of the play/pause button at the center of the screen (‘0’ for complete transparency).
5.2.2 Background color. Choose the main background color.
5.2.3 Video background color. Choose the color of the video background.
5.2.4 Frames background color. Choose the background color of the control bar and the playlist.
5.2.5 Frames background transparency. Define the transparency level of the control bar and the playlist.
5.2.6 Control buttons main color. Select the color of the control buttons.
5.2.7 Control buttons hover color. Select the color of the hovered control buttons.
5.2.8 Control buttons transparency. Select the transparency level of the control buttons.
5.2.9 Sliders color. Select the color of the sliders.
5.2.10 Hovered item background color. Choose what color a playlist item gets when being pointed on by the mouse cursor.
5.2.11 Selected item background color. Choose what color an item gets after being selected.
5.2.12 Text color. Select the default text color for the player.
5.2.13 Hovered text color. Select the color for the hovered text.
5.2.14 Selected text color. Choose the color of the selected text.
5.2.15 Loading animation type. Choose what animation is being shown while loading the video.

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