2.7: Adding a Recommendations Box

Spider Facebook

Step by step guide

Step 2:  Adding Facebook social plugins to the website

In advance to adding any Facebook social plugin, you will be required to provide the Facebook App ID and App Secret Key. You can change the provided ID and Secret Key in future. This can be done navigating to “Edit App Settings” and making the relevant changes. The details on how to create an application ID can be found in Step 3.

Generate Sample Article. The button can be used for generating an article, which will include all Facebook buttons and widgets as a sample article. To view the created article, you should press the same button, which is renamed to Preview Sample Article.

After the test, you can add the preferred buttons.

  • From the navigation bar on the top select Components >Spider Facebook.
  • On the upper right hand of the screen click on the New button.

2.7 Adding a Recommendations Box

2.7.1 Title. Specify a title for the plugin to be able to identify the plugin in back-end. 
2.7.2 Publish. Choose whether to publish the plugin or not.
2.7.3 Rendering. Choose how to render the plugin.
2.7.4 Add to <html> Tag. Add the code (ONLY ONCE) to the <html> tag of your template’s index.php file (templates/your_template/index.php).
<html xmlns:og="http://ogp.me/ns#" xmlns:fb="http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml">
2.7.5 Domain. Specify the domain for which you want the information to be shown. By default, it is the domain on which the plugin is added.
2.7.6 Width. Define the width of the plugin in pixels.
2.7.7 Height. Define the height of the plugin in pixels.
2.7.8 Maximum Age. A value between 1 and 180 (days), allowing to limit the display of the recommendation.
2.7.9 Target. Select the context in which content links are opened.
2.7.10 Show Header. Choose whether to show the Facebook header at the top of the plugin container or not.
2.7.11 Background Color. Choose either to leave the plugin background to transparent or set a color for the plugin container.
2.7.12 Color Scheme. Select the color scheme of the plugin.
2.7.13 Font. Choose the text font of the plugin.
2.7.14 Language Preference.

  • Custom. Select the plugin language.
  • Current. Adjusts to the language of the website.

2.7.15 All Articles. Adds the plugin to all the articles on the website.
2.7.16 Show in category view. Choose whether to show the articles in category view or not.
2.7.17 Articles. Choose the articles to which you want to add the plugin. 
2.7.18 Vertical Position. Choose whether to place the plugin at the top or at the bottom of the article.
2.7.19 On all non-article menu items. Adds the plugin to all the menu items on the website except the articles.
2.7.20 Non-article menu items. Choose menu items to which you want to add the plugin.
2.7.21 Vertical Position. Choose whether to place the plugin at the top or at the bottom. 
2.7.22 All K2 items. Adds the plugin to all the K2 items on the website.

2.7.23 Show in category view. Choose whether to show the K2 items in category view or not.
2.7.24 Add K2 items. Choose the K2 items to which you want to add the plugin. 
2.7.25 Vertical Position. Choose whether to place the plugin at the top or at the bottom of the K2 item.
2.7.26 Style. Here you can customize certain style options. Simply change the values of the parameters that are listed in the box.

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