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WNews Magazine :PROBLEM SLIDER - BUG SLIDER 9 years 4 months ago #22596


I use on my website ( News Magazine theme.
But I have a recurring problem with the slider. Indeed, the slider is locked at the first frame . it no longer works more effective , more animation . In short, it there's a bug.
Even with reset, it doesn't work .
Can you help me ?
I have the free version because I do a test before the professional version.



J'utilise le thème News Magazine pour mon site
Mais, j'ai un problème avec le slider du thème. En effet le slider reste bloqué à la première image. Cela ne fonctionne plus : plus d'effet, plus d'animation. Bref il y'a un bug.
Même en faisant reset, cela ne marche pas.
J'ai actuellement la version gratuite mais je souhaiterai à terme mettre la version payante.
Pouvez vous m'aider ?

Bien cordialement
Last Edit: 9 years 4 months ago by Dabo TRAORE.
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WNews Magazine :PROBLEM SLIDER - BUG SLIDER 9 years 4 months ago #22619

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Dear Dabo,

Most probably you have a conflict on your website.
Could you please contact us to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and let us to take a look at the issue? Please mention the full link to your forum post in your e-mail.Also please include temporary admin credentials to your website in the mail.
Best regards
Web-Dorado team

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