2.7: Adding a Recommendations Box

Spider Facebook

Step by step guide

Step 2. Adding Facebook social plugins to the website.

2.7. Adding a Recommendation box.
2.7.1. Title. Add title to the button to be shown on the back-end.
2.7.2. Published. Click on “Yes” button to publish the plugin.
2.7.3. Rendering. You can choose the rendering option either leaving it to default XFBML option or choosing HTML5.
2.7.4. Domain. By default this refers to the domain where the plugin is added. You can also specify another domain, where you want the information to be shown.
2.7.5. App ID. Enter your Facebook application ID.
2.7.6.Width. Define the width (in pixels) of the social plugin.
2.7.7. Height. Define the height (in pixels) of the social plugin.
2.7.8. Target. Select the context in which content links are opened.
2.7.9. Show Header. Choose whether to show Facebook header at the top of the plugin or not.
2.7.10. Show Recommendations. Choose whether to show user recommendations or not.
2.7.11. Border Color. Set the border color of the plugin container.
2.7.12. Background Color. Set the background color of the plugin container.
2.7.13. Color scheme. Select the color scheme of the plugin.
2.7.14. Font. Choose the text font style of the plugin from available 6 options.
2.7.15. Language preferences. You can choose to keep the current settings for the language or modify it using custom option and choosing among provided language options.
2.7.16. All contents. Check the box to use plugin for the entire content of the website.
2.7.17. Add. You can choose the content, you want to add plugin to.
2.7.18. Vertical Position. Allows to choose where to place the plugin(on top or bottom of the contents).
2.7.19. For pages except contents. You can also add the plugin to other regions on the website except contents. To do so you need to choose Structure >Blocks in the main navigation menu, find Spider Facebook plugin with its identified name and choose the region, where you want it to appear. You need to choose the region from the options field. Do not forget to press Configure button with every selection and press “Save Blocks” at the end.
2.7.20. Style. You can customize certain options in the styles by changing values of the parameters listed in the box.
2.7.21. Add to <html> Tag. Add the code (ONLY ONCE) to the <html> tag of your template’s page.tpl.php file (themes/your_theme/page.tpl.php).
<html xmlns:og="http://ogp.me/ns#" xmlns:fb="http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml">

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