11.4: Photo Gallery Widget

Photo Gallery

Step by step guide

Step 11: Publishing Photo Gallery widgets.

11.4 Photo Gallery Widget. You can add album and gallery images into a custom location. After click the users will be redirected into compact album view, if it is an album. If it is a gallery included in the album it will open up in Thumbnails view. The images will be displayed in a lightbox.
11.4.1 Title. Provide a title for the widget.
11.4.2 Choose whether to display an album or gallery.
11.4.3 Select Gallery/Select Album. Select the gallery/album to be displayed with the widget.
11.4.4 Choose whether to display random or the first/last specific number of images.
11.4.5 Number. Provide the number of images to be displayed with the widget.
11.4.6 Dimensions. Specify the width and height of the widget.
11.4.7 Theme. Choose the theme, which will be applied to the gallery/album.

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