6.3: Insert a Player into a Joomla Article

Spider Video Player

Step by step guide

Step 6: Publishing the Joomla player. 

6.3 Insert a player into a Joomla article.

6.3.1 Make sure that you have enabled the plugin “Content - Load Spider Video Player” from Extensions > Plugin Manager.
6.3.2 Enter the code into the article {loadspidervideoplayer playlist=[ID1],[ID2],.. theme=[ID] priority=flash/HTML5} , where [ID] and [ID1], [ID2],..are the IDs of the playlists and themes, which are displayed in Components Spider Video Player Playlists and Components > Spider Video Player > Themes. The priority (enter either flash or HTML5) indicates the type of the player. Note that if the device (e.g. mobile phone) does not support Flash, the player will automatically switch to HTML5 mode (videos of unsupported formats will not be displayed). 

For a single video, the code must be the following: {loadspidervideoplayer track=[ID1],[ID2],.. theme=[ID] priority=flash/HTML5}, where [ID] is the ID of the video, which can be found in Components > Spider Video Player > Videos.
Shortcode example: {loadspidervideoplayer track=2 theme=3 priority=flash}

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