WordPress Google Analytics WD

Step by step guide


Metrics dropdown menus indicate Google Analytics metrics, based on which the report is being built.

Use the first select box only, in case you would like to view the information of one metric. You can also compare reports of two metrics. Select a value for the second dropdown to see the result.

Sessions. When users initialize activities on your website during a given time frame, the group of these interactions is considered as a session. It can contain pageviews, events, ecommerce transactions and social interactions.

New Sessions. Indicates the percentage of new users on your website, who have not visited your website before.

Users. Shows total number of users interacting with your website during selected time period.

Bounce Rate. The percentage of single page sessions, when the user left your website after visiting only one page.

Session Duration. Average duration of sessions, that took place on your site during the specified period.

Pageviews. The number of pages viewed during selected time frame.

Pages/Session. Indicates the average number of pages viewed during a session.

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