WordPress Google Analytics WD

Step by step guide

Report Types

Audience. Report of your website audience. Provides details about new and returning users of your website, sessions, bounces, pageviews, page/sessions and session durations.

Real Time. Shows the number of active users visiting your website pages at that second.

Demographics. Displays tracking statistics of your website users based on their age and gender.

Interests. Provides tracking information about site users depending on Affinity Categories (e.g. Music Lovers or Mobile Enthusiasts), In-Market Segments (based on online product purchase interests) and Other Categories (most specific identification, for example, tennis lovers among Sports Fans).

Geo. Geo-identifier report is built from interactions of location (countries, cities) and language of your website users.

Behavior. Compares number of New visitors and Returning users of your website in percents. You can check the duration of sessions with Engagement report.

Technology. Identifies tracking of the site based on operating systems and browsers visitors use.

Mobile. Shows statistics of mobile and desktop devices visitors have used while interacting with your website.

Custom Dimensions. Reports of Custom Dimensions you have added will be displayed under this tab. Step-by-step guide for the setup is in Custom Dimensions section of this guide.

Traffic Source. Displays overall graph of traffic sources directing to your website.

AdWords. If your website is registered on Google AdWords, you can link its Google Analytics to AdWords, and gather relevant tracking information with this report.

Pages. Pages report table will provide you information about Bounces, Entrances, Pageviews, Unique Pageviews, time spent on pages, Exits and Average page loading time.

Site Speed. Shows the average load time of your website during specified date range.

Events. Displays the report based on Events you set up on Google Analytics of your website. Graphs are built based on Event Labels, Categories and Actions.

Goals. Set Goals from Goal Management and review their Google Analytics reports under this tab. Instructions to set up goals will be provided in Goal Management section of this guide.

Ecommerce. Check sales statistics of your website by revenues, transactions, products and performance.

AdSense. Link your Google Analytics and AdSense accounts from Google Analytics Admin setting and keep track of AdSense tracking under this report.

Custom Reports. Add Custom Reports from any metric and dimension in Custom Reports page, and view relevant Google Analytics tracking information in this tab.

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