Widget Twitter

Step by step guide

Step 2:  Adding Twitter social plugins to the website.

  • From the navigation bar on the top select Plugins>Widget Twitter.
  • On the upper right hand of the screen click on the Add New button.

2.3 Adding a Timeline Box
2.3.1 Choose a timeline source. Choose the timeline source from the provided 4 options.
User Timeline. You can choose to create a timeline based on public data of a specific user. The header of the timeline will display a follow button to follow the user, while the footer will allow sending a message to the user without leaving the page.
Favorites. You can create a timeline based on the favorite tweets of a specific user.
List. You can create a timeline based on a list of specific users. The header of the timeline will include the list name, its description, as well as the screen name of the user, who created the list.
Search. You can create a timeline based on a certain hashtag. The timeline will display the search results based on it. The hashtag will be displayed on the header of the timeline, while the footer will allow contributing to the list making a tweet with the hashtag. The list of the search results can be refined to the safe mode, avoiding the display of certain results.
2.3.2 Title. Specify a title for the plugin for identifying the plugin in the back-end.
2.3.3 Published. Choose whether to publish the plugin or not. 
2.3.4 Widget ID. To create a widget ID, first login to your Twitter account, then you should go to widget settings page, click on edit button for the specified widget and copy the number code, which appears in the URL on the top.
2.3.5 Width. Define the width of the button in pixels.
2.3.6 Height. Define the height of the button in pixels.
2.3.7 Tweet Limit. Specify the number of tweets to be displayed with the timeline. This option will remove the sidebar and cannot be used with defined height.
2.3.8 Opt Out. Check this option to avoid Twitter from content tailoring and making suggestions for you and your followers based on the data.
2.3.9 Theme. Choose between dark and light default theme options.
2.3.10 Link Color. You can customize the color of the links that appear in the timeline to match the overall theme used on the page.
2.3.11 Border Color. You can customize the border color of the displayed timeline.
2.3.12 Chrome. Use a space-separated set of the following options:

  • No header. Hides the timeline header.
  • No footer. Hides the timeline footer and Tweet box, if included.
  • No borders: Removes all borders within the widget (between Tweets, around the widget.)
  • No scrollbar: Crops and hides the main timeline scrollbar, if visible.
  • Transparent: Removes the background color.

2.3.13 ARIA politeness. By default the ARIA politeness is set to polite, but you can make it assertive.
2.3.14 Show Replies. The option is available with User timeline and allows to add the replies to the tweets in the timeline.
2.3.15 Language Preference.

  • Current. Adjusts to the language of the website.
  • Custom. Select the plugin language.

2.3.16 All Posts. Adds the plugin to all the posts on the website.
2.3.17 Posts. Choose the posts to which you want to add the plugin. 
2.3.18 Vertical Position. Choose whether to place the plugin at the top or at the bottom of the article.
2.3.19 All Pages. Adds the plugin to all the pages on the website.
2.3.20 Pages. Choose pages to which you want to add the plugin. 
2.3.21 Vertical Position. Choose whether to place the plugin at the top or at the bottom. 
2.3.22 Style. Here you can customize certain style options. Simply change the values of the parameters that are listed in the box.

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